Overview of Department of Management
The current Management department in Arsi University was 1st established in previous Adama University which is currently known as ASTU in 2005 G.C. Then dislocated From ASTU and moved to new established Arsi University under CoBE in October, 2014 /15 G.C.
The Department currently enrolled 708 students in total. This figure consists of 526 BA and 182 MBA, students that are enrolled in the regular, weekend and evening programs.
Rationale of the program
Rapidly changing and turbulent global and local business environment requires a good leadership and management to sustain and flourish. The rationale behind developing nationally standardized and harmonized Management curriculum was required to address and incorporate these changes to help organizations to survive and flourish. Some of the justifications for management program include:
I. Management is a crucial element in economic growth of a country. It brings together the factors of production: money, machinery, men, methods, markets and material to enable the country to experience economic development. A country with enough capital, labor and other natural resources could remain poor if it does not have competent managers to combine and coordinate the resources. In affirming this, Drucker, a management authority, claimed that “without management country’s resources of production remain resources and never become products”. Similarly, Heizer(2010) stated that management takes the majority of portion (52%) , labor (10%) and Capital(38%) in improving productivity of an organization, as it is the management who orchestrates and coordinates all other resources.
II. Ethiopia’s currently growing industries need the supply of appropriate and competent business managers and administrators; because many organizations are being established by local investors and through foreign direct investment, which require an appropriate leadership and management for these organizations should have from and expand to create more employment and wealth to the country.
III. This is the time when many organizations like banks, insurances, manufacturing and processing organizations are booming which requires proper management, for which this program contribute by producing graduates who are competent to run these organizations.
IV. There are many micro and small businesses mushrooming in the country which require appropriate guidance and management, where management program could help in producing potential managers who could assist these organizations to compete in fierce competition.
V. Organizations are guided by managers who allocate resources and have responsibility and authority to manufacture safe, to declare war or peace, to build cities, to keep the environment clean and so on.
VI. Many industry parks are being established by the country where abundant raw materials in the country are expected to efficiently transform them to output of customer choice to generate foreign currency and job opportunity for many. This requires competent managers equipped with the various management and leadership skills to compete in international market, which requires meeting both local and international stakeholder’s requirements.
In light of the rationales stated above, contents of this curriculum has been revamped on the basis of previously curricula, based on survey, benchmarking and information inputs gained from resources provided by the Ministry of Education on curriculum development. In addition, inputs from all universities who teach management as a program was gathered to include various facets in to the curriculum and enable them to participate and own the curriculum as their own.
Objectives of the program
General objective of the program
The general objective of the program is to produce graduates who are competent to plan, organize and control resources of organizations efficiently for the achievement of the goal effectively.
Specific objectives
Through its programs, the department has the following specific objectives of producing:
- Professionals who are capable of planning, organizing, directing and controlling activities of private, non-government and government organizations.
- Professionals who can competently manage marketing, finance operations, human resource, materials, information resources etc.
- Professionals who are responsive and effective in working with and through others as well as capable of making and implementing decisions.
- Professionals capable of searching and developing opportunities as well as tackling problems through creative problem solving skills
- Professionals who are able to face the challenges of today’s and tomorrow’s highly complex and competitive environment.
- Professionals who could engage in research endeavor in business and non-business undertakings to identify gap and come up with alternatives to fill the gap.
Professional Profile
The management program should enable the graduate to acquire both theoretical knowledge and practical know-how pertinent to management profession so that they will be competent nationally and internationally. It should transfer employability skill in an ethical manner that can be mirrored through the cognitive ability, interpersonal skill, numeric skill and research skills of the graduate.
The program prepares students to become professional managers capable of executing Human Resources Management, Information System Management, Marketing Management, Operations Management, Materials Management and Financial Management and other managerial functional areas.
The program will.
- Equip students with a realistic overview of major principles and techniques of human resources management systems.
- Develop the students’ ability and skills to identify their information needs source, and how to utilize the information obtained efficiently.
- Introduce students with the development and operation of markets-local, national and international-for resources, goods and services.
- Provide students of management with a sound understanding of the concepts techniques, and applications of production and operations management.
- Equip students with entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship and ethical concepts,
- Equip students with the methods and techniques of acquiring, utilizing, and issuing of material resources.
Graduates’ profile
The program is aimed at producing graduates that can have adequate knowledge, skills and attitude towards application of management concepts. Specifically:
- Capable of making rational decisions to solve organizational problems and manage conflicts.
- Capable to competently manage human resources of an organization by understanding individual differences, group behavior and organization level behavior.
- Motivated for creativity, innovation and management of projects.
- Design appropriate and robust strategies to shape or cope up with changing organizational environment.
- Capable of planning, organizing, directing and controlling the activities of all types of organizations
- Responsive and effective in working with and through others by developing an understanding of common goal
- Manage material resources and operations of an organization
- Conduct research and consultancy service in management and related areas and offer training for those who are in need of it
- Manage financial resources of the organization by applying financial principles
- Capable of using decision making models in organizational decision making.
- Capable of understanding the legal, social and ethical responsibilities associated with the management of all types of organization
- Capable of using information communication technology in utilizing and managing organizational resources
- Analyze transaction, summarize, record and interpret accounting data for managerial decision making
- Apply fundamental economic concepts and models in organizational and managerial decisions
- Apply fundamental marketing concepts and marketing management approaches in domestic as well as international marketing issues and practices.
- Capable of collecting, analyzing and interpreting statistical data using various statistical tools for managerial decisions.
- Analyze and manage costs of different organizational activities
- Establish their own business and run it to create their own job.
Admission requirement
Students interested to join the program in management department should fulfill the following requirement:
- Successful completion of freshman program.
- Fulfill requirement set by MOE/HERQA
- Other standards set by the university.
Duration of the study
- The duration of the study for BA in Management is four years.
Graduation requirement
Graduate students will be awarded the “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management” if they fulfill the following requirements:
- A minimum credit hour of 148/254 ECTS.
- A minimum Cumulative Grade point Average of 2.00
- A Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average of 2.00 in core courses.
- No F in any course and
- Compliance with all other regulations of the University
Degree nomenclature
The degree offered after successful completion of its program is called:
In English – “Bachelor of Arts Degree in Management.”
In Amharic – “የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በማኔጅመንት”
Master of Business Administration
The MBA degree becomes one of the most popular masters’ degrees offered in the world!
- All 21st Century Business is knowledge based
- Ethiopia’s Vision to become middle income country within 20-30 years.
- Need for advanced and diversified knowledge and creation of additional opportunity for education
- Demand from MOE and Capacity building
- Upgrading qualification and competence of educators in HEIs
- Filling the Gap in the labor market demand and supply
- To supply Ethiopia’s industries with appropriate and competent professionals
- The curriculum is developed in recognition of a rapidly changing economy and the opportunities and challenges presented the country.
- Unlike others, the program attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines
Objective of the Program
The program is designed with the following goals in mind.
- Educating students with fundamental concepts and practices in business, management, finance, and marketing and investment.
- Promote and upgrade the knowledge and managerial skills of educators in Ethiopian higher education Institutions
- Produce Competent, Knowledgeable professionals who would contribute to the development and transformation of the business sector of the country in line with the nations Millennium development agenda
- Supply the labor market with graduates of high caliber who would be able to fuel the expansion and development of the industrial sector
- Produce future consultants, policy makers, analysts, leaders and notable individuals who will be able to manage multinational business firms
- Equip graduates with skills to understand and respond to the fast changing business environment and to foster competent, flexible, adaptive, and visionary business leaders
Graduate Profile
Upon successful completion of MBA program, graduates will have the all or part of the following profiles.
- Researchers of Management, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Marketing and other related business courses at Universities and other higher learning institutions;
- Business and Industry leaders and managers at national and multi-national scope
- Consultants, coaches and business advisors
- Entrepreneurs and business owners
- Policy makers, analysts, negotiators, and change agents
Admission Requirements
- The minimum admission requirement for the Master’s degree program is a bachelor’s degree. The MBA program is normally designed for those who have followed relevant and appropriate undergraduate studies at recognized Ethiopian Universities or equivalent institutions. It is emphasized that a strong quantitative background is essential for success in the MBA program. To obtain admission to the MBA program, applicants should fulfill the admission requirements of the department, as will be specified in Senate Legislation of the University. Female applicants are encouraged. In addition the following may apply;
- A successful completion of a Bachelor’s Degree in business studies, Social sciences, technology, etc.
- A successful completion of a Master’s Degree in any field of study is also allowed to apply for admission into the program;
- Applicant’s CGPA must be as per the University’s established criteria for graduate program
- Minimum required score / to be determined by SPG/ in GMAT examination offered by the University
- Applicants from public universities for capacity building purposes can be accepted without entrance examination except for intake capacity reason.
- Additional requirements that may be set by the School of Graduate Studies
Degree Nomenclature
The Nomenclature for the degree to be awarded for successful completion of the program is:
- Master of Business Administration / English/ማስተር ኦፍ ቢዝነስ አድሚንስትሬሽን/Amharic/
Duration of the program
- Minimum of Two Years for regular program
- Minimum of Three years for Extension program
Vision and Mission
- Arsi University strives to bring sustainable development through practice-based teaching-learning process and conducting problem-solving research in collaboration with industries.
- Becoming one of the most known and chosen Applied Science universities in East Africa by 2030 Moto Like our star athletes, excelling professionals!