Welcome College Agricultural and Environmental Science
Name: Dr.Befekadu Chemere
Position:Dean of College
Specialization: Forage & Grassland Production
Academic rank: Professor Assistant
About The Colleges
Regular Undergraduate
Department of Statistics
Department of Agricultural Economics
Department of Agribusiness and Value chain Management
Department of Animal Science
Department of Forestry
Department of Food Science and post-Harvest Technology
Department of Horticulture
Department of Natural Resource Management
Department of Plant Science
Department of Rural Development Agricultural Extension
Department of Soil Resource and Water Management
Department of Veterinary Science
Department of Computer Science
Department of Information Technology
Plant Science
Veterinary Science
Every research and community services activity undertaken at college of Agriculture and Environmental sciences is coordinated by office of research and community service vice-dean. The vice- dean performs the following activities related to research and community service, Technology transfer, University industry linkage at college level:
Initiate academic staff members of the College to engage in research undertakings,
Follow up and ensure the dissemination of research output,
Direct, co-ordinate and monitor the research and community services activities
Link the college research to the office of the Vice president for Research & community services of the university
Work closely with Research & Ethical Review board
Facilitate the management of the approved research funds
Facilitate public lectures, seminars and midterm reviews of research.
Organize workshops, seminars, and symposiums,
Represents College in the Senate Research, Publication, post graduate and Community Service Committee,
Solicit and support departments and the staffs in searching funding resources for research and community service process of the college
The Vice Dean for Research and Community Service shall be accountable to the College Dean, vertically and horizontally works with respective vice dean, departments and offices in the college and university. Vice dean office also closely works with research and community service directorates, vice presidents at University level.
To enhance quality of research and community services, and technology transfer through actual coordination of the demand driven research and community services though active engagement of stakeholders at all stages including Monitoring and Evaluation
Sources of Fund: Government, International funds generated on competitive basis, NGOs and Income Generation
Research approach
Ø Multidisciplinary/ Participatory/
Ø Need based and problem solving
Thematic areas
Ø Natural resource management , Environment protection , and climate change management
Ø Plant Production and protection
Ø Horticultural crops production and management
Ø Animal Production, health and welfare
Ø Agribusiness developments, agricultural products value chain management and agricultural extensions
Ø Socio-economics, Rural Development, Technology Dissemination and Extension
Ø Postharvest technology, processing, food quality analysis
Ø Food Safety and Nutrition
Research Priorities
Ø Water Resource, land, Soil, forest and wild life conservation, Eco-tourism, Environmental quality and Climate change management
Ø Crops (Field, Horticultural, coffee, Spices, Bio-energy plants, Industrial crops, Indigenous shrubs and medicinal/aromatic plants), Plant diseases, pests, weeds and Germplasm enhancement and maintenance.
Ø Improvement of livestock production system, Reproduction, productivity improvement, genetics & breeding (breed improvement), Animal feed improvement(improved forage development and grassland management),products’ improvement, Apiculture management & improvement of hive products (honey, wax, propolis, royal jelly, etc), Fisheries & aquaculture, Identification of animal health problems (disease prioritization, modeling, Zoonosis and risk factors analysis).
Ø Value chain analysis of ( agricultural commodities(crops), Livestock and its products), agricultural extension approaches and Farmers technology adoptions, Agricultural financing and Investments, Farmers Cooperative management and members participations, Entrepreneurship development and livelihood diversification ,Micro and small enterprises development ,Logistics problems in value chain system, Agricultural marketing (input, output and linkages) and efficiency ( Production and marketing).
Ø Postharvest technology, processing, food analysis and quality assurance of plant and Animal products ,optimization and standardization of traditional and cultural food and beverage
Ø Food security and Livelihood
Research Dissemination Method
The research outputs are disseminated through:
Doing research on Research site and farmers’ plots in participatory way,
Annual Research Review in the presence of stakeholders,
Field days and workshops with district’s including at framers level and enterprises.
publishing on journals and proceedings
Publishing program or policy briefs
Publishing Research findings in national journals and statewide publications
Disseminating information on university website and social media
Summarizing findings in progress reports for funders
Discussing research activities on the local radio and TV program
Issuing a press release
University Community Radio, (We will have).
Contact Address: Tura kaso Hamo (Assistant Professor): Vice Dean for Research and Community service
Institutional email: turakaso@arsiun.edu.et
Personnel Email: sabir.yoom@gmail.com
Tel. +251222380218
Name: Dr.Befekadu Chemere
Position:Dean of College
Specialization:Forage & Grassland Production
Academic rank:Professor Assistant
1. Majority Respect
2. Practices Based
3. Quality Based
4. Team Work
5. Internationalization
6. Environmental security
7. Innovation
8. Professional ethics
Our Mission
Arsi University strives to bring sustainable development through practice-based teaching-learning process and conducting problem-solving research in collaboration with industries.
Our Visions
Becoming one of the most known and chosen Applied Science universities in East Africa by 2030