1. BSc Degree in Horticulture Objectives of the program

  General objective

The general objective of the program is to produce high – level manpower equipped with adequate knowledge and skill to design and implement the activities indicated in the perspective graduate profile.

Specific objectives

The program will have the following specific objectives in the undergraduate program of Horticultural sciences:

  • Provide students with basic and applied knowledge and skills of horticultural crops production & management, breeding, protection and soil fertility management principles & concepts
  • Enable the students to understand and realize problems in horticultural crop production and seek solutions through exposure to research, extension and management.
  • Provide the students with the knowledge of handling horticultural fruit plants and their products.
  • Integrate teaching-research activities with extension activities so as to extend the new improved technologies to the farmers.
  1. Graduate Profile

Graduates of the department of Horticulture are well equipped with theoretical knowledge and practical skills in various aspects of horticulture i.e. horticultural agronomy, horticultural breeding and protection and soil fertility management which are needed to:

  • Promote and disseminate agricultural technology through training of farmers
  • Assist in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs/projects related to
  • horticultural production, protection and management in sustainable base
  • Involve in research activities in the area of his/ her professional field of study.
  • Integrate horticultural crop production and natural resources management issues with other farming enterprises
  • Set and manage overall operation of horticultural nurseries and farms.
  • Inspect the quality and safety of horticultural produce.
  • Carry out scientific research on various aspects of horticultural crops.
  • Promote environmental safety by encouraging good agricultural practices.
  • Plan, design, execute and mange residential, public and commercial landscape.
  • Propagate, produce and manage horticultural planting materials.
  • Possesses capabilities to positively influence the community and serve as an agent of change in matters pertaining to his/her field.
  • Possess the knowledge and appreciation of underutilized horticultural crops.
  • Generate and operate different pre and postharvest technologies to minimize losses.
  • Identify biotic and abiotic factors limiting horticulture crops produce and design management options
  • Manage greenhouse horticultural crop production, facilities and equipment
  • Understand basics of horticultural plant structures and functions
  • Generate analysis and present different work reports in written as well as oral communication.
  • Possesses the necessary background knowledge to pursue further advanced study in horticulture.
  1. Teaching and learning methods
  2. Lectures with multimedia support;
  3. Group discussion, debate and seminar presentation;
  4. Reading assignments (books, journals & literature review);
  5. Questions and answers (oral and written or worksheet or home take); and
  6. Field and laboratory practical and visits.
  1. Program duration

A four-year academic time is required to acquire a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) degree in Horticulture. Each academic year is further divided into two semesters of about 16 weeks.

  1. Admission requirements

To be admitted to BSc. in Horticulture, candidates should fit to admission requirement to Ethiopian higher education institutions upon successful completion of a one year freshman program in natural science. Placement of students to the program abides to the Arsi University affirmative regulation. Others like re-admission and advanced standing shall be treated according to the academic rules and regulations of the Arsi universities. Students who graduated with diploma in the field of Horticulture, Plant sciences, General Agriculture and other related fields from recognized institutions can also apply to pursue their studies in regular, summer and extension programs based on the Arsi university legislation.

  1. Assessment methods

Assessment is carried out both as a continuous process during course delivery, which constitutes 60% weight of the total mark and final exam, which constitutes 40%. The assessment methods involved are summarized as follow:

  • For theory part course work; and
  • Continuous Assessment: Class activity/attendance, quizzes, test, assignments;
  • Final exam; and
  • Laboratory and field reports (for practical courses).
  • For research project, practical attachment, seminars and field related practices.
  • Quality of paper presented;
  • Manner of presentation (confidence, personality, communication, etc); and
  • Defending material presented.
    • Graduation requirements

Students will be eligible for graduation upon successful completion of a minimum load of 147 credit hours set for the regular program. At the end of the program, the student is required to have a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of at least 2.00 with no “F” letter grade in any course.

  1. Degree naming

The nomenclature of the degree in the program:

English: Bachelor of Science Degree in Horticulture

Amharic: “ባ ች ለ ር ዲግ ሪ በ ሆር ቲ ካ ል ቸ ር ”

  1. Quality assurance and program evaluation

Quality assurance entails the systematic, structured and continuous attention given to the maintenance and improvement of the quality of the program. It is a measure of the value of what we do and the system of benchmarks that we use to make sure those standards are maintained and improved where possible on a continuous basis. Quality assurance aims to meet and keep to accepted standards of excellence, and is essential to maintain the reputation of the institution that hosts the program in general and the department in particular.

Generally, quality is assured through various mechanisms including having well qualified teaching staff in terms of the mix of qualifications and experience. In addition, the quality of teaching can be assured through making available suitable reference books and text books, teaching materials, laboratory manuals, better laboratory facilities, access to internet and computer services.

Regular evaluation will take place to evaluate the quality of the course content and the teaching staff and to see what needs to be revised or improved. In the near future alumni and stakeholders from the labor market shall take part and participate as well.