Overview of Accounting and Finance department

Department of Accounting and finance was established in 2014 with the intention to meet the University’s mission of instilling into present and future-leaders knowledge of current and future accounting, auditing and finance practices and relevant skills through student–centered high quality, viable programs which are fully recognized internationally and by both the private and public institutions in Ethiopia. Hence, the Department seeks to sustain its growth and relevance through:

  • A highly educated and motivated faculty Viable programs which have local relevance and fully recognized internationally.
  • An International reporting and auditing standards based curriculum that meets the needs of the nation and international business.
  • Relevant curriculum leading to an exceptional learning environment with full access to new technologies and computer-mediated learning
  • An abundant level of intellectual capital created through scholarly activities
  • Research that meets the needs of the local and international business and academic communities;
  • A fully integrated international perspective
  • A full understanding of employer needs obtained through constant monitoring of the business environment through linkage program

The program of Accounting and Finance has the following specific objectives with its BA and M.Sc., program:

  • To produce graduates in its regular degree program to satisfy a portion of the demand for accounting and finance graduates.
  • To enhance the relevance and timeliness of instruction, as well as the technical competency of the staff, by conducting applied research and developing innovative educational materials and techniques.
  • To provide students with sufficient academic, technical, logical, analytical, and professional base from which to pursue a career in accounting and finance and to advance to further study and a potential academic career in accounting and finance
  • To be a major provider of consultancy services to the public
  • To establish linkage programs with different stakeholders from which the program will be able to tap resources and share experiences

Admission Requirements

Admission Requirements for BA Program

Anyone who wishes to join the BA program in Accounting and Finance is required to pass the fresh man program in social science provided by Each University.

Admission Requirements for M.Sc., Program

  • Candidates should have a B.A degree in accounting and finance and or relevant fields of studies from the accredited Universities.
  • Candidates must pass the entrance exam and interview administered by the department.
  • Candidates shall submit two official copies of their undergraduate transcript(s)

Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements for BA program

To graduate from the program the student should take all courses offered in the program, a total of 150 credit hours or 243 EtCTS and earn a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 or better by the end of the program, and earn no ‘F’ grade in any course. The student is also required to have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 in all major courses by the end the program.

Graduation Requirements for M.Sc., program

  • Students should have studied and passed all the courses and acquired necessary number of credits as per the requirements and as prescribed by the institute from time to time.
  • A student should have no case of indiscipline or misconduct pending against him/her.
  • Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average or CGPA for award of a degree is as per the university’s graduate studies.
  • In case a student acquires required number of credits prescribed for a degree, but fails to have a minimum CGPA, the student in consultation with the program head and with the approval from DGC, will register for a course/s again for improvement in grade/CGPA.
  • At the end of each semester and graduation, each student will receive a transcript that indicates courses taken, credit points scored in letter grade and their overall performance.  The letter grades are given using relative grading system.

Degree Nomenclature

Degree Nomenclature for BA program

BA Degree in Accounting and Finance and the Amharic version is: የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በአካውንቲንግና ፋይናንስ

Degree Nomenclature for M.S.C., program

M.Sc., degree in accounting and finance


Currently 520 students are enrolled in BA degree in Accounting and finance, 85 students are in regular program and 434 are in extension and weekend program. In addition a total of 75 students are enrolled and attending their education in the program of MSC in Accounting and Finance in both regular and weekend program.

Mission and Vision of the department


Department of Accounting and Finance strives to achieve the universities mission of bringing sustainable development through practice-based teaching-learning process and conducting problem solving research in collaboration with industries.


Becoming one of the most known and chosen applied science universities in East Africa by 2030


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