1. Objectives of the Program
  • Produce knowledgeable graduates in the field of Agribusiness and Value Chains who can involve in initiating, developing, managing, coordinating, and analysing agribusiness firms;
  • Produce committed, motivated, socially accountable and qualified Agribusiness and Value Chain managers and analysits for undertaking rigorous and problem-solving research in their fields of expertise;
  • Produce graduates that will render community services; and
  • Produce graduates for offering consultancy and advisory services to agribusiness firms, value chain actors, government institutions, and NGOs
  • Graduate Profile
  • Analyze agribusiness sector investment opportunities and limitations; and evaluate investment climate for agribusiness enterprises.
  • Identify and develop potential value chains for major commodities in the country
  • Apply economic, political, legal, commercial and business theories and concepts in solving practical problems and for improving practices
  • Apply their knowledge to establish and effectively run their own private firms or agribusiness enterprises
  • Consult and practice on the identification, appraisal and implementation of agribusiness development polices, projects and programmes
  • Serve as planners in agriculture and rural development,
  • Work as agribusiness and value chain management analysts,
  • Advise on economic and business matters in agribusiness and value chai arena,
  • Apply socio-economic researches in dealing with practical issues and concerns,
  • Work as Teacher, Market expert, Loan officer, Credit expert, and Policy idea generator
  • Program Profile
  • Duration of the Degree Program
  • Admission Requirements
  • Graduation Requirements
  • Degree Nomenclature
  • Mode of Delivery
  • General Assessment and Evaluation Methods

Course work

  • Assignments, group work , presentation of reports and term papers
  • Mid semester and final examination

Practical Work

  • Activities, practical and field visits and reports
  • Practical and Written examination

Research and project works

  • Quality of paper written and presented
    • Way of presentation
    • Topic presented
  1. Grading system
  1. Quality Assurance Mechanisms
  • Designing institutional self-assessment at program level (e.g. course evaluation, course content revision, etc)
    • Holding regular meeting with stakeholders
    • Conducting employer feedback surveys
    • Assesses Instructors (teachers) performance based on their competence
    • Carrying out College and University wide workshop